News from the Ensouled Universe
Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast
The stars point to our Greater Mind and what it means to be human
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -50:15

The stars point to our Greater Mind and what it means to be human

Plus: UFO sightings, ghosts, and covid karaoke!

vol. 2 issue 17

Greetings Earthlings,

First, I am going to borrow a protocol from my friend Val at How Not to F*ck Up Your Face, who begins each of her pithy, insightful, and well-written missives about true beauty by asking her readers to please give her a little heart tap.

In Val’s case, little birdies of peace and joy will flutter past the surprised visages of crusty world leaders and make them want to hug each other when you show her such love with your gentle tap-tap. Let’s make the world an even better place! If you show your appreciation to Elisabeth and me, you’ll see angels around every corner today!

This message of love brought to you by a lousy salesperson of the “real” but an excellent dreamer of how the world could be if we but only put down our linear paradigm.

Okay! As you probably have noticed by way of things and situations that seemed of late to have been on hold or stuck in place somehow, but which are now starting to gain momentum, all the planets that have been retrograding are starting to move direct this month.

Add to that an Aries full moon this weekend, and all the ways we might have been feeling as though we were moving through gelatin are now about to get supercharged.

That might explain how come this conversation that features tales of Elisabeth and my respective UFO sightings last week, and what the implications of alien visitations might be for those of us living on earth but looking at the stars, sounds super speedy, like it’s caffeinated.

Sorry about that, folks. I just got carried away with the editing out of all my thoughtful pauses, and instead of the little gambol through my mind, you get a speed tour. Of course, it’s always worse when a Capricorn/Leo combo criticizes her own work, so you might not notice, but if you do, you’re not crazy to wonder if I was trying to beat the clock on this one.

Actually, no. Elisabeth and I, despite having to schedule ourselves around the combined effects of others behaving badly and persistent pesky covid symptoms, we are handily getting ourselves in steady synch with the coming retrograde of Mars while also locking into the rhythm of Pluto trining Mercury.

We’re ready to face the provocative truths this planetary combo suggest will come to the fore, requiring us to slow down and think before we act. This month is the time to make contact with our greater minds.

‘The Potomac is a wild river’, and other insights from birdwatching along the banks and battlefields. Credit: Whitney Fishburn

Also in this episode 17, is our discussion about the current machinations of Neptune in Pisces and how it spreads its wavy resonance across the charts of folks in the news like Lizzo, the former POTUS, and apparently, ETs and me!

The net effect is to get us talking about how the keys to our freedom as human beings on this earth, are found in learning the intricacies of duality and then being willing to play with them. Neptune is helpful for seeing that just like the tide coming in and going out — life is a cycle. It is definitely not the either/or cage of pain and loathing that our hierarchical world constructs around us to keep us imprisoned and hypnotized by hopelessness.

That leads to a conversation about our violent lesser selves leaving behind a trail of anger and anguish for the earth to absorb, and how the sycamore trees along the banks of the Potomac River have inspired me to help sing them free of that pain. You have to hear it for that to make any sense. I also give a bird call!

And that pretty much sums it up, my friends: it’s a speedy, funny little romp through what it means to be humans who connect to the stars.

There is a lot more laughter this time around, and we sing something — by request! even though Elisabeth turns karaoke time into a name that tune (and gets it wrong). But, hey, she’s still recovering from covid. You can still send her a get-well card if you like…which reminds me, we do touch upon that little incident that involves Herschel Walker and his troubles of late, foretold by which transit? Let’s see if you can guess…

dog biting Thank You mail paper
Good doggie!

Even though Elisabeth’s and my attention has been split a bit lately, Off the Charts! A Stellar Newscast continues to grow with each episode and bonus content material we release. That is extra special to us because it shows us that we have “something” here and that you are willing to invest your energy into fortifying us and helping us grow. What I am particularly encouraged by are the number of “shares” we seem to generate. I’ve created a little button to help you do that even more. Share away!

Share Off the Charts! A Stellar Newscast

If you would like to make suggestions for charts to cover, or add to our list of listener questions that still must be answered!, please leave a comment in the comments section. We’re starting to get to know our listeners who send us encouraging emails. We love your enthusiasm, especially when you are so enthusiastic, you support us materially!

Material subscribers receive access to our growing library of off-the-cuff, off the charts stories and insights and the extra little heart tap of synching up with others who, like you, know that this is an ensouled universe of love and hope.

One last thing. Android users can now join iPhone users who read Ensouled and listen to Off the Charts on a new app!

And with that, below are the links we mention in the podcast, and may you have a starry sky-filled weekend. Until next time, look up and fill your heart with hope!

xx Whitney and Elisabeth

For the forecast on which this podcast is based:

Pluto Turns Direct; Lizzo in the News: Grace Astrology

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