Vol. 3 episode 23

Well, per usual, Elisabeth nailed a prediction…she said that as we began recording this on Groundhog Day, in reference to the Bill Murray movie that puts his life on perpetual repeat, we would end up recording, editing, recording, editing, until we finally learned our lesson…
Well, nearly 25 hours later, the lesson learned is how to engage constructively with Saturn’s energy of streamlining, seriousness, hard work, and focus. Because the result is…excellence!
And so, at last…
Here is your first weekly episode in news from the Ensouled Universe!
In it, Elisabeth and I discuss charts making news, including why Florida Republican governor, Ron DeSantis is making authoritarian moves now and how the media is, per usual missing the point about why and how. We give you the heads up about potential shocks and disruptions that could likely occur over this weekend, we answer why Kamala Harris has “disappeared”, and the likely trajectory of former South Carolina Republican governor, Nikki Haley’s anticipated bid for US president.
This episode’s Department of They (as in, “they say”…who are they and why should we trust them?) is mighty fine. We dissect recent the New York Times and other media outlets’ poor showing when it comes to pointing out how we’ve been here before when it comes to horrible events in human history, and how that harms us as citizens, while fattening the pockets of the They who Say things that might or might be true…or at least are only partially true.
The astrology of economic theory?
We also venture an explainer into the history of something fundamental to economic policy in this country by looking at the astrology of the…wait for it…Federal Trade Commission. How to make that segment interesting and entertaining is primarily what took us so long to get this out to you (that, and the audio editing software crashing per the Uranus/Sun square we warn you about), but we are proud of the outcome, well, because – astrology is amazing.
There was so much the stars suggested we could say, but we narrowed it down to bite-sized fundamentals that will empower you with context for what surely will be more news to come about the shifting fortunes of Big Business and American standards of living.
If you have a noncompete clause with your employer, you especially will want to listen to this episode. If you don’t, then you will enjoy learning about the way astrology signals we are headed into some seismic shifts in how labor and Big Business are about to play in the sandbox together.
Think coming shifts in the plantary patterns of Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus…all outer planets (even if astronomers have kicked Pluto out of the official planetary line-up), and how they will be speaking in fresh tones of Aquarius (power to the people, but also innovations in technology), Pisces (universal love and forgiveness), and Taurus (status quo, but also comfort). We break it down, just as we will continue to do so through the year.
You are the media
Most of all in this episode, we remind you that you are the media. You are the one in control of your mind, your actions, your life. And indeed, the game of politics is one of control, and pretty much every flavor of corporate media collectively is a weapon, an agent of mass destruction because it is an agent of mass enchantment. It casts a spell over us, separating us from our native powers of discernment.
Elisabeth and I are confident you can disarm those spellcasters who seek to use that weapon against you – Off the Charts is our way of helping you learn how.
We are still tinkering with the format, but thanks to the growth of our audience that includes you, a loyal listener, and also thanks to the meaningful feedback you have been sending us, we think we have something mighty fine with this podcast and are seeking to expand, even if it takes us a minute, or two.
Groundbreaking news delivery
Is it too bold to suggest that we see ourselves delivering news from the Ensouled Universe as akin to how Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show revolutionized news by making fun of it, and thus actually getting people to take it seriously? Nah, not too bold. We have lots in mind for how we can expand, including interviews with newsmakers, more frequent forecasts, and more in-depth analysis, among many other ideas…
But it’s only possible with your support.
To that end, we are running a special on annual subscriptions. If you’ve been thinking of going all in with us, now is the time! Until March 7, when Saturn enters Pisces, you can get an annual subscription for 25% off the usual $75.
We had to cut scads and scads if we were going to keep this episode to about an hour, which we think is more than plenty. We will use the remaining goodies as incentives for you to become a patron subscriber if you’re not already.
As an incentive…
Later this week — for patron subscribers only — we will release the audio we cut from this episode, on what we think about heard-on-the-street rumors that DeSantis is gay, and the implications about that vis-à-vis sexuality and politics. We also cut some banter about recent news to do with a certain former president and a certain former “adult film” actress, and also possibly a rant about why men make so much noise in this country.
And because some of you who are already subscribers have asked how you can add more to your pledges of support, I am investigating how we might include a one-time donation in our show notes.
Of course, you can always visit Elisabeth’s forecast and leave a little something in her tip jar, since it is her forecast on which this fab podcast is based.
Also, if you’re interested in becoming a sponsor of our show, we are now planning on working that into our format.
Below my signature are the promised links I discuss in this episode. We thank you for being there, and for encouraging us to up our game by going weekly. Please share with others and feel free to get in touch with us if you have a news tip, a chart in the news to suggest, or if you’d like to work with us as consultants or presenters.
That’s it for this week’s regular weekly episode. Next week might be shorter, might not – it’s a work in progress, but it’s your work in progress.
xx Whitney and Elisabeth
FTC Rulemaking on ending noncompete clauses; make your comments known!
Non-Compete Clause Rulemaking | Federal Trade Commission (ftc.gov)
Democracy & Monopoly — Open Markets Institute
Anti-Monopoly Timeline — Open Markets Institute
Executive Order to Promote Competition in the American Economy
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