News from the Ensouled Universe
The Differential
Preview: 'The Differential'
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -48:21

Preview: 'The Differential'

An alternative take on how medicine can be practiced and healthcare delivered in a time of crumbling structures


Bottle 5 Element. Credit: Lalanice.


A bit of “chaos magic” for you on the eve here in the US of a rather potent annular, south node, eclipse in Libra.

By that, I mean that, given all the ways in which such conditions can (are likely) to cancel out the setting of intentions often done in the dark of a full moon, I am sort of debuting but sort of not debuting a novel podcast venture.

It’s called The Differential and with it, I seek to break the fairytale hold modern day healthcare has over us. The focus will be on you, the individual, and how you can easily and fully take your power to be well back from a system that profits off of your not being well.

My collaborator, Dr. Hilary Spiteri, who left the pinnacle of her profession as a pharmacist specializing in biotechnologies, to become a holistic healer, homeopathic practitioner, and medical astrologer, is based in Rome, Italy.

Examining the nuanced

I have asked Dr. Spiteri to help me explore case studies as they would be read by allopathically trained physicians and then to compare how the same symptomatic presentations would be viewed using medical astrology. This view of what is ailing the patient is typically more nuanced, and opens up far more options for treatment, even if the best course to cure is an allopathic one.

The point is to help you know yourself and your temperament before you are told by the one-size-fits-all System what you need. And also, to gently remind you that you are not a healthcare consumer, but a human being. Just starting there will greatly boost your power to heal.

As someone who has spent more than 30 years professionally invested in this field, I know how intrinsic the healthcare industry is to so many communities. Increasingly, for some areas of the country, health systems are the largest employer. But stop and think for a moment — such a circumstance means that profit, and thus prosperity, only happen when people are sick, a phenomenon that runs counter to the notion of prosperity.

Yet, we keep electing or allowing for the election of people who hand over the reins to profiteers who promise “growth” rather than better health. If we had better health, how much more creative and thus inspired to grow might we be?

In the US, healthcare comprises one-fifth of our economy. That’s not really an incentive for the Powers That Be to give us back our power. It surely isn’t an incentive for them to support public examination of a time before profit turned the practice of medicine — access to which is a fundamental human right — into the industry of healthcare, which is the harnessing of our health and bodies to a system of profit.

Modern medicine is one thing, healthcare is another. I do not plan to crap on physicians nor on modern medicine, because I respect and often have admiration for both.

What I am pushing against are our current policies that obscure the many choices that “once upon a time” were available to us, a time when the story of medicine featured us as the hero and not the System. Also, a time which did produce favorable outcomes — certainly, no less favorable outcomes in the aggregate than our current system produces.

And the way I plan to push, is to inspire you to push with me. I hope these cases and the questions they provoke, provide you with the prompts you need to take back your power to heal and be well from the System and the Status Quo.

Inviting the difference

Dr. Spiteri has a dry wit, and a history of controversy, something I explore with her.

She is not afraid to challenge the status quo, and while I don’t always agree with her, I believe it well serves my audience to present perspectives that are different from your own, and to do so in a neutral way. That is how we learn, and it is in learning that we start to ask better questions, and goddammit, my friends! If we don’t ask better questions, we certainly will not get better answers.

But we do have fun, and I hope you will, too.

This preview episode is simply meant as a taste of our way of talking. We don’t actually examine any cases this time.

Next week we plan (the Gods willing!) to bring you our first case study, which I am thinking will probably be about how a clinical diagnosis of depression could also be examined from the perspective of it being a Saturn transit.

However, I think that with so much focus on Pluto and Mars right now, these might also prove worthwhile transits to explore.

Calling for your contributions

The cases come from my astrology practice files with permission of my clients, but I might use hypothetical ones, too. If you would like to submit your own chart for us to examine, please feel free! We will scrub off any identifying factors.

The case studies are just the beginning, as I have much larger plans in mind. As you will hear me say in this episode, I will seek to incorporate many of the features I didn’t follow through with previously. Some of the features that you loved, sad to say, however, will only be available in archives. And as long-time listeners and friends of Off the Charts know, I just got my ass handed to me during the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse season, and Uranus is about to hit my Moon. So, please be patient. I aim to serve, but the gods will always get my attention first.

Thank you for your continued support and for being willing to try new things! If you’re a patron subscriber, your special bonus audio is below.

For the next four episodes, The Differential will be free to the public. After that, my intention is to use the paywall more. It is still TBD.

And so for now, I bid you…



PS: Thank you to subscriber/listener Lucinda for pointing out what I forgot to follow up on in this episode. Namely, that the “discovery” of homeopathy occurred the last time Pluto was ingressing into Aquarius. So, perhaps it is re-emerging as it “enjoys” its Pluto return.

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