News from the Ensouled Universe
Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast
Predictions fulfilled: DJT indicted, Paltrow exonerated, and Roe v. Wade overturn churn

Predictions fulfilled: DJT indicted, Paltrow exonerated, and Roe v. Wade overturn churn

Plus, what is driving Republican reluctance to stop mass shootings?

vol. 2 Episode 31

A new way to Don orange? Credit: Cuffs and Chained


It’s a new day, a new Don, as the song kind of goes. In episode 30, Elisabeth predicted that Tuesday, March 28th would be a big day for the courts and the media because Mercury in Aries would be finding the answer before anyone even knew there was a question, and then having an intense conversation with Jupiter about it.

Translation: big news.

In fact, that was the day headlines like this one nutmegged the most mobbed up president in US history into thinking he had more time before he would be taking on a new tone of orange and the media also bought into this delayed timeline.

However, on Thursday, March 30, as Elisabeth also forecasted that a trine between Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces meant there would be energy harmoniously flowing toward healing disruptions in security to do with home and homeland (Cancer).

And, so it was that the announcement was made on that day, March 30, 2023, that the former Criminal-in-Chief is set to surrender to authorities next week. Ha. Well, we’ll see how smoothly that goes, but of course, that will be Episode 32!

Here’s Elisabeth’s actual prediction:


And in EG’s forecast…

THURSDAYCancer Moon goes void for the next 9 hours … During this particular Moon void, Mars trines Saturn at 3:03 PM ET, suggesting an easy flow of militant, disciplined 6:25 PM ET, Venus meets up with Uranus in Taurus, suggesting disruptive and/or innovative news in matters of money, art, women and social expressions … At 6:31 PM ET, Moon enters Leo and opposes Pluto, prompting a power play or catharsis on whatever may have been running wild during the long Cancer Moon void. The Moon-Pluto opposition happens at 6:46 PM ET … a Leo Moon needs to know that it is loved and adored. This need can bring out drama kings and queens looking for a stage upon which to shine…or a throne from which to issue regally entitled edicts.

This is not the first time we’ve gotten it right.

It’s certainly not the first time we were far more accurate about what the universe was handing down while the media was up its own morass. Our take on the East Palestine, Ohio train wreck is turning out to be more true than the media would commit to reporting. But that is only one of so many examples.

To wit: we recorded this episode before the verdict was handed down yesterday in the Gwyneth Paltrow skiing case, and I suggested it was a bogus case simply because of my read on the horoscope of the accident.

Verdict: Paltrow, not guilty.

Does this mean we are amazing? Infallible? No. It means we are willing to receive and respect the signs from the universe, which is in its infinite self, amazing.

If you are reading and listening to our show, then you too are most likely willing to accept that the universe is far less chaotic than the status quo would have you believe, and is instead far more loving and whole. And for that, we thank you. It is our humble pleasure to be the ones helping you see that you are the media for such an ensouled universe.

Israel, abortion, and guns

In this episode, by listener request, we investigate the near future of Israel, currently wracked by protests over a right-wing power grab. We explore the fall out of the US Supreme Court’s overturn of the Roe v. Wade decision, and how that chart suggested the ruling would come under attack this week given the current planetary patterns, as it indeed has. And we look at how the most recent mass shooting in the US was likely to play out, and what I interpret are its implications of a good ol’ boy network of hatred.

The old paradigm is dead

Elisabeth has stories of new developments in math and science where young women and arctic wolves are showing the Old Guard how things that were said to be absolute, are definitely not.

We wrap up with a continuation of my thoughts from Episode 30, where I remind you how at this time of Plutonic shifts to the power grid of politics, policies, and plunderers, you are far more powerful than you likely give yourself credit for. That can stead you well in times likes these, which, as I say, are not wifty. They are indeed weighty. And you are ready to handle it, because you are the true media.

Don’t forget to scroll to the end for your sprinkle of Stardust!

Thank you to patron subscribers like artist Karen Fitzgerald seen here enthusiastically contemplating her ensoulment:

Artist Karen Fitzgerald. Courtesy of the artist.

Coming soon!

We are working on putting together a toll-free news tip hotline for our listeners around the world. That’s set for later this Spring. We want to be sure to give you the cosmic perspective on news that matters to you. We want to include your voice in our forecasts, too. So, if you are willing, we will play your message on air.

Elisabeth featured in OPA!

The Organization for Professional Astrology features an interview with Elisabeth in its most recent quarterly publication, The Evolving Astrologer. It’s a fun read, and thrilling to have it come on the heels of our previously having been recognized and recommended by astrology towerblock, Deb Houlding. We are grateful for the support and interest and look forward to expanding and deepening our service to you all!

Elisabeth's Forecast

Whitney's Ensouled Universe

Next week’s episode will be behind the paywall, but will feature a 5 minute highlight “reel” if you’are not able to become a patron subscriber at this time. If you’d like to support us in other ways, please share us with your friends and leave comments that tell us what you like about our work.


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And before you get to the little sprinkle of stardust below, here’re are two articles you might enjoy, if you like the contents of this podcast.

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Thanks for listening!

xx Whitney (and Elisabeth, too!)

PS: Your Starust sprinkle is below!

News from the Ensouled Universe
Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast
Two corporate media renegades flip the script on the Powers That Be, using their insider's knowledge and astrology to offer perspective and analyses on world events that corporate media can't – and won't – share with you. Often funny.