News from the Ensouled Universe
Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast
Jupiter meets Neptune in Pisces: Kiss the mermaid before she swims away
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -51:23

Jupiter meets Neptune in Pisces: Kiss the mermaid before she swims away

Plus, protecting yourself and the world from dirtbags

vol. 2 episode 5


Well, it’s here. Sweet redemption. Jupiter, Elisabeth’s favorite Cosmic Sugar Daddy, now holds the hand of Neptune, Lord of the Waters, and Venus has joined them in her temple of exaltation, Pisces, where this love-in, the first of its kind since 1856, washes us in waves of oceanic love. Yes, even you, worried as you are about the return of covid (Neptune can herald viruses, Jupiter heralds expansion and thus, things that spread), or the spread of war from the Ukraine to parts beyond (see Jupiter and “big”, as in big egos), you, along with everyone else, are now swimming in a sea of beautiful possibilities.

Sure, we always are, but sometimes the mermaids come and grant us our wishes, and sometimes we are just treading water either waiting to be rescued or catching our breath before we start paddling again.

Time to say hello to these shimmering beauties, maybe even give them a smooch before they swim away, not to return for another 188 years when this party repeats.

That is about as frou frou as I get, so let’s plunge on…in this episode, Elisabeth and I not only celebrate this celestial event, occurring most potently now through Easter Sunday, April 17, we break down why it’s so important, especially if you are the sort of future-oriented person who knows that what you do today does in fact shape what happens tomorrow. Not just in your own life, but in the lives of others.

We tell you how this particular star pattern works in service to future dream seeding and why. Might as well take advantage of it so you can bend the universe toward what is less shitty than viruses and war.

But it’s not all sweetness and light (although it’s mostly that).

I go on a few rants, too: how the New York Times gets it wrong on astrology (really, not just bad manners, but stupid, bad journalism); how astrology is NOT a language of generalities and inanities, but a precise language of syntax, even if it is full of nuance in our lives; and most important, how to understand cause and effect v. personal agency when considering how astrology works.

And, as part of our examination of the ways in which Neptune and Jupiter together have a dark potential, we rip through CBS’s dastardly decision to hire an accomplice to criminality, namely, White House Chief of Staff under the former president, Mick Mulvaney, and what this means for you as a person who needs accurate information to assess the world at large.

As always, we are highly skeptical of the corporate media’s motives, and remind you that as a thinking, caring citizen, you have the real power to mediate what is good and true in the universe.

Also, I note that there are places to go when the media lets you down. Here is one of them: my most recent podcast over at our sister publication, docu-mental, this time with novelist-turned-citizen-journalist, Greg Olear. He’s the author of Dirty Rubles: An Introduction to Trump/Russia, as well as the publisher of a three-times weekly newsletter dedicated to the bringers of the light of good times ahead, PREVAIL. Greg and I talk about what to do when no one else is doing what you know needs to be done, even if you’re not the obvious person who should be the one to do it.

And even though I make a point in this episode of saying that you need to ask the experts for expert insight, there are times when other experts can see what the insiders don’t. If we’re going to stop being spoon fed what to think, then knowing who to trust requires an open mind as well as some street smarts.

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Thank you for everything, and until next time, Look up!

xx Whitney and Elisabeth