News from the Ensouled Universe
Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast
The astrology of election day!

The astrology of election day!

Plus: We bust up the food fearmongers

vol. 2 episode 19

“Where’s the polling station?” Democracy on Mars. Image: NASA/Pat Rawlings


Of course, as mundane astrologers, with a full blood moon solar eclipse across the Taurus/Scorpio axis, falling on Election Day here in the US, we’d be derelict if we didn’t discuss that.

So, in this episode, #19, we do! And we even suggest how to avoid associated traffic jams. Hint: we advise you in accordance with Mars in retrograde in Gemini.

What else…?

In a rather Mars retrograde in Gemini kind of way, we also have refreshed our mission statement. Same idea, expressed differently.

Here it is:

Elisabeth and I are both renegades from corporate media. We report and analyze the cosmic impulses behind the news. We want to show you how corporate media manipulates you into working against your best interests.

We demonstrate how to anticipate the cycles and trends in the world so you can see that it is not linear, and learn to detect how the presumption of hierarchy’s inevitability separates you from yourself and others.

Instead, we bring you news from the ensouled universe where cycles within cycles suggest there is a greater consciousness enfolding us, moving through and around us, a larger intelligence that extends beyond what we could ever possibly imagine.

Most importantly, we want to encourage you to participate in the unfoldment of what our universe has in store. To trust it, and not the status quo.

Speaking of this important, unusually long Mars transit, which we define, Elisabeth runs down the things you should not do during this retrograde period, or else. Then Miss EG gets scary about hypothetical face lifts during a Venus retrograde. Listen if you dare. I needed a minute after she spooked me.

Then, some personal reflections on how Mars retrograde square Neptune retrograde is shaking out in some personal horoscopes, as well as in the news, including how this is helping us think about Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter. Other transits, too.

Then, we have our next installment of our new Department of They. It’s sort of akin to being an “astrology as activism” segment. This time, we take on how the status quo has led you to not think twice about being shamed into hating the holidays because, horrors!, you might want to eat holiday food!!! No, no, make that — you have no agency and are going to have to eat fun things.

In other words: you will suffer no matter whether or not you actually partake of holiday nibbles. Ugh, the insanity of being led around by our captive brains by profiteers. We skewer them now so you can enjoy your human right to eat off whatever damned skewers you want to later.

And, all along, we welcome our new listeners and take the time to explain basic astro vocab so you don’t get lost, plus we offer something sweet to our patron subscribers who might want to get their charts read.

Thanks for all your support. If you’d like to share us, and we hope you do, here you go:


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And here’s where to visit if you’d like to have Elisabeth’s weekly forecast on which this podcast is based:

Elisabeth's forecast for news junkies

Thanks dear friends!
Until next time, vote and fill your hearts with hope. And, look up at the heavens.

xx Whitney and Elisabeth

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News from the Ensouled Universe
Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast
Two corporate media renegades flip the script on the Powers That Be, using their insider's knowledge and astrology to offer perspective and analyses on world events that corporate media can't – and won't – share with you. Often funny.