News from the Ensouled Universe
Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast
Bank wobbles, future finance, and fact v. fiction
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Bank wobbles, future finance, and fact v. fiction

An episode brought to you from the anaretic degree (which we will explain)

vol. 2 Episode 29

Over and Beyond. Credit: Jon Hrubesch.


Feeling the pressure to tie up loose ends, firm up commitments, drop what doesn’t serve? Getting a bit manic when you think the shutters on your metaphorical house of pain are about to blow off in the coming storm? Congratulations! You know what it’s like to be alive to the realities of life at the anaretic degree!

In this episode, after we define what “anaretic” means astrologically, Elisabeth and I explore our own experience of the anaretic phenomenon, where disarray must be faced, and faulty structures fortified, or else. And of course, we address how a planet sitting at the 29th degree of any sign — especially Pluto at the 29th degree of Capricorn — can impact markets, such as we have seen this past week. Is there more to come? Yes, of course, but when and how? We have that covered.

Billionaires and their scandals

We recorded this on the Ides of March, and since then, a few of Elisabeth’s predictions have already begun to materialize, including the spectre of the late and disgraced child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein and his ties to the billionaires involved in the coming banking scandal storm.

And when the storm comes, will it be the billionaire bros who prop up their feet while their boo-boo-whoopsies are propped up by the rest of us? Or, as we discuss here, will it be the hour of recokoning when the common person steps into the power of the individual making authentic choices?

Fate v. free will

We also have a discussion about fate versus free will, which I would like to suggest aren’t at odds, but as essential as ying is to yang, as extroversion is to introversion. I talk about how I see it as the beautiful consciousness dance between humans and the universe.

Don’t forget to scroll down for your sprinkle of stardust!

A fitting, if unwitting, Irish tribute to life at the anaretic degree!

Department of They

…as in “they say”…we also muse about the interplay between the current Neptunian focus on Pisces and the planetary patterns surrounding the recent news that the Biden administration will allow drilling on federal lands in Alaska. Is this, as reported elsewhere, a “battle won in a war that was lost”, given that the administration had promised previously not to drill on federal lands? Or, is it, as I suggest, that lies are being told…and since recording, there is some evidence of that. More on this in the days and weeks to come.

Speaking of the “Powers That Be”, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R.-KY), recently took a tumble (Down the stairs? On his face? It’s really not clear, thanks to planetary patterns in Pisces), prompting Elisabeth and me to discuss not only what kinds of tsuris the 81-year-old is likely to face in the next year, but whether it is even ethical for us to tell you that! (Spoiler: I think it is.)

Meanwhile, right on cue per Elisabeth’s predictions, Vice President Kamala Harris is surfacing form the depths, and I suggest it’s timed nicely with the coming need for experienced crisis managers as banks falter.

Me talk funny, not funny

And we wrap up with a post-Oscars discussion about our prediction there would be some controversy and fog, which there was when Saturday Night Live made fun of the accents of the Oscar-nominated Irish actors Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson. This led us to muse over the nature of humor at the expense of others, and how, if you tug the thread, it can ultimately lead to the darker, maybe even sinister forces, of apolitical profiteering from hatred of “other”.

I know, right? Sounds so heavy for talk about jokes — but that’s Saturn in Pisces for you: where do you draw the line in something as amorphous as all humanity? And, if you do want to contemplate it further, here’s something I wrote about this last year:

docu-mental: mapping the american states of mind
Who profits off you hating me?
vol. 4 issue 14 Greetings, Earlier this week, I got accused of being an East Coast elite. Yes, I am still down South where the skeeters are very happy to see me and don’t give one damn where I got my education. But anyway, the accusation stung because it’s not true, even if my accuser made it seem so automatic, so certain a fact…
Read more


You might have noticed that I have changed the name of this publication from Ensouled: The Journal of Cultural Astronomy to News from the Ensouled Universe. That’s because it better reflects some other changes I have been making to integrate my complete opus, which includes hundreds of essays and interviews at docu-mental: mapping the american states of mind, as well as other publishing ventures I am at work building. If nothing else, I think it better reflects what this publication has evolved into, partiuclarly with the growing success of the podcast.

Don’t forget! For now at least, we are going every-other-episode with our podcast being free to the public. Patron subscribers will have access to all episodes and to our growing library of multi-media content, including our popular OUTTAKES, which this week will feature the actual dates we predict changes in Sen. McConnell’s status, our thoughts on the controversy surrounding whether to admit transgender people to the all-women’s college, Wellesley, Elisabeth’s alma mater.

We recommend you read us on the Substack app, which you can get by clicking the link below. It is a convenient way to receive all our podcasts and other content such as our popular OUTTAKES, but it will also aggregate into one place all the other Substack publications you read!

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You can also subscribe to Elisabeth Grace’s weekly forecast, and learn more about me and my work here.

That’s all for now. Thank you for listening!


xWhitney (and Elisabeth, too!)
PS: Don’t forget to scroll down for your stardust

Please enjoy this video performance of an anaretic sort of song, When it Breaks, by the Irish rock band, Inhaler (and yes, that is Bono’s son Elijah Newson, fronting the band!)

As you listen, have a look at the lyrics. They perfectly describe this moment in time. And speaking of that, go raibh maith agat arís1 for listening, especially as it is, on this St. Patrick’s Day!


Go raibh maith agat arís: “Thanks again!”

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News from the Ensouled Universe
Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast
Two corporate media renegades flip the script on the Powers That Be, using their insider's knowledge and astrology to offer perspective and analyses on world events that corporate media can't – and won't – share with you. Often funny.