vol. 2 Episode 28

When I was several hours into giving birth to my son, the doula asked me what was probably supposed to be an earnest, if not distracting question: “What are you feeling about all this right now?”
Stupified, I gestured to my belly and responded that it really didn’t matter what I thought. The facts of the situation being what they were, it wasn’t like I could change my mind about them and ask in mid-air to get off the roller coaster that was already screaming down the tracks.
That’s what this week of Saturn’s entrance into Pisces feels like to me: questions that we once asked suddenly don’t make sense. Things that should be impossible suddenly aren’t. Things that used to float, sink. What has potential to harm humanity roils the waters, or if not the thing itself, then our fears of such monsters. Questions about whether we are capable of protecting what we love, and just how deep such a committment must be to be effective…all these things and more are surfacing.
And we are in the waters with all this commotion, like it or not. There is no rowing the boat to shore, so you’d better learn to swim or hail a vessel that can ferry you across these oceanic currents over next three years.
But what an opportunity for healing! All that salinity can wash clean the deepest wounds.
Elisabeth shares some headlines reflecting these patterns that beget the question: what are the limits of our compassion? How can Saturn (limits, responsiblity, karma) possibly contain the waters of change? How can it purify what pollutes politics? What karma must come due?
We explore these questions and more, with a peek at a few astrological implications of some movies up for Best Picture at this year’s Oscars, and the respective cast members whose charts also suggest they are indeed due for some attention. Plus, why so many mutilated or pointy fingers in the nominated movies?
Hillary Clinton’s birth certificate is now public
For patron subscribers, later this weekend, you will receive outtakes that include our thoughts on “woulda-coulda-shoulda and maybe might still” for Hillary Clinton now that her birth certificate has been made public, much to the astrology community’s delight. Also, a more in-depth review of Piscean headlines and what they represent, plus the promised trancripts of the AI bot’s consternation created when Elisabeth queried it about whether astrology works: It does! It doesn’t! It does! I love you! I hate you! I want you! Be mine forever! My Moon is in Aquarius unless it’s in Pisces! Would you like chips with that?
Eventually, Elisabeth wrestles it into some semblance of cogency.
Speeches given in Congress the night of January 6, 2021
I have them, and they don’t track with what is being said or even not said publicly at present…
All that to be released for patron subscribers over the weekend. If you’d like access to those materials…
We love our listeners!
Thank you for being there! We love our listeners. If you’d like more information about Elisabeth Grace, on whose weekly headlines forecast this podcast is based, you can learn more at: Grace Astrology.
To learn more about me, Whitney McKnight, please visit me at Ensouled Astrology.
Thanks for listening.
x Whitney and Elisabeth
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